Can You Name Anyone as a Beneficiary For Life Insurance?

Choosing a beneficiary for your life insurance policy is an important decision. At Runnels Insurance in Brandon, FL, we often get questions about who can be named. Let’s explore your options in more detail.

Who Can Be a Beneficiary?

You have the flexibility to name almost anyone as a beneficiary. Common choices include spouses, children, or other family members. However, you can choose friends, charities, or a trust. The key is to ensure that the person or entity you select will fulfill your wishes and manage the funds responsibly.

Naming a Minor as a Beneficiary

If you wish to name a minor, it’s important to consider the legal implications. Insurance companies typically won’t pay proceeds directly to a minor, so appointing a guardian or setting up a trust can be beneficial. This ensures that the funds are managed appropriately until the child reaches adulthood.

Can You Change Your Beneficiary?

Yes, you can change your beneficiary at any time, as long as your policy is in force and the beneficiary designation is revocable. It’s wise to review your choice regularly, especially after significant life events like marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child. Keeping your beneficiary designation up to date ensures that your insurance benefits are distributed according to your current wishes.

Considerations When Naming a Beneficiary

Think about the financial needs of those you’re considering. Will they need support for living expenses, education, or other obligations? Discussing your decision with potential beneficiaries can help align expectations and prevent misunderstandings later. 

Get Personalized Guidance on Florida Life Insurance

For personalized guidance on naming a beneficiary and understanding your life insurance options, contact Runnels Insurance in Brandon, FL. Our team is here to help you make informed decisions for your future.