You may have heard of umbrella insurance in the past. It is a beneficial form of insurance, but you may not exactly know what it is or how it can protect you and your home. At Runnels Insurance, we’re here to help you and all your Brandon, FL insurance needs.
What Does Umbrella Insurance Cover
Umbrella insurance is also known as an excess liability coverage. This means it goes above and beyond the regular coverage of your standard policy. For example, if someone is injured on your property and takes out a lawsuit against you, the umbrella insurance coverage will kick in here. It can also help you if someone attempts to slander your name or if you are falsely arrested.
Why Is it Important?
Umbrella insurance kicks in at different times when you need it the most. For starters, if you are found liable and need to pay additional damages than the umbrella insurance policy will cover it. It will also help cover a legal defense, regardless of the result.
This form of insurance also just doesn’t cover your home. It is called umbrella because many different elements fall under it. Beyond your home, your car, retirement accounts, checking account and investments are all protected. This way, in the event of a lawsuit you won’t have your other investment and retirement accounts gone after. This keeps you, your retirement and your children financially secure.
At Runnels Insurance, we want to make sure you are properly educated on all the different insurance options out there. This includes umbrella insurance. So, whether you live in Brandon, FL or the surrounding communities, give us a call and we’ll make sure you have all the insights and information to make an accurate investment into the right insurance policies.