It’s important that you get the life out of your car that you anticipate when you buy it. New or used, there are tips that can be used to ensure you can extend the life. Many of them are common sense, yet so many people forget about them.
Don’t Run the AC so Much
It can get very hot in Brandon, FL, especially during the summer time. However, running the AC too long is going to put extra strain on the engine because that is where the power is generated from. You can cut down on the heat by parking in the shade, using a windshield shade, and driving with the windows down.
Don’t Forget to Inflate
The temperature can change dramatically from season to season, and sometimes even day by day. This can cause tires to deflate quickly, and this means you have to make sure that you are inflating your tires on a regular basis. Check the PSI to what is recommended. More than a third of all drivers are driving with lower PSI than what they should – and it can make an impact on car life.
Stay Tuned
Your engine should be tuned on a regular basis, and this includes getting regular oil changes and having the oil filter replaced. If your engine is not tuned, it can increase fuel consumption, and cause an array of car problems down the road. Simple car maintenance can go a long way to make sure that your car lasts for many years to come.
Call us at Runnels Insurance today so we can search for quotes for you in Florida. Throughout the Brandon area, having auto insurance is imperative and we will work to find you an affordable policy to provide you with peace of mind.