Why Home Insurance Is Cheaper Than Not Having It

Most households maintain a budget these days. They keep a close eye on where their money goes so that they will have enough at the end of the month. In many of these households, home insurance isn’t included in the budget because they don’t have it. If your household in Brandon, FL doesn’t have home insurance, you are setting yourself up for a financial letdown.

Avoid Costly Repairs with Home Insurance

Although home insurance increases your monthly expenses, you can budget for it. However, the cost of making repairs following a hurricane or other disaster can cost you thousands of dollars. Between 2010 and 2014, the average cost for a fire, lightning, and debris removal claim was $39,791. When you compare that to the average annual cost of home insurance in Florida, $1,991, it’s easy to see that not having home insurance costs more.

Home Insurance Covers Liabilities

Another protection offered by home insurance is liabilities. If a guest visits your home and sustains an injury on your property, it’s possible you will be responsible for making them whole. Without home insurance, you must cover these costs alone. If you are fighting to maintain your budget, an injury on your property could be the budget-breaker that prevents you from providing for your family.

Home Insurance Prevents You from Replacing Personal Assets

When you experience a loss, odds are, you will experience a loss of personal property as well. Items like computers, TVs, and furniture are expensive to replace. Imagine if you had to replace all the personal belongings you own in one room. How much would it cost? What if you had to replace all of your personal belongings? Fortunately, you may not have to do that if you have home insurance.

In Brandon, FL, home insurance is a necessity. If you don’t have it, contact us to get it now by contacting us on our website. Budgets are great, but they can’t help you avoid a financial catastrophe due to repairing your home or replacing your property following a loss.

How To Choose the Right Home Insurance

Home insurance is something that should be specific to each and every policy holder and as such, finding the right policy is going to be different for every person. What might work for some may not work for others making it necessary to learn how to choose the right policy. For those in the Brandon, FL area, Runnels Insurance can help you find your perfect policy.

Where to Start

You should first start by determining how much you home and its contents are worth. This is going to help your agent determine how much they need to insure your home for and how much it would cost to replace the contents of your home and rebuild in the current economy. You then need to speak with an agent about how much you need to take out.

The Next Steps

After your initial consultation and finding out how much your home is worth, you also need to take the time to see what supplemental policies you might benefit from. For instance, if you live in an area where flooding is common, where hurricanes happen, or where an earthquake is likely, you might want to add those policies to make sure you are covered.

Checking Coverage

Even after you get your coverage taken care of and your policy is in place, it is beneficial to check coverage often and to update it to reflect changes that have been made to your home and value changes in rebuild costs. Your agent will work with you to make sure your policy is up to date through the duration of the time that you are with the agency and that you hold that particular policy.

For those that want more information and live in the Brandon, FL area, contact the agents at Runnels Insurance today.

Why Everybody Needs to Have Auto Insurance

Most jurisdictions in the United States require car insurance. But why? Is it really necessary? These are questions that many people have asked since laws requiring car insurance became commonplace. A little research results in the conclusion that yes, car insurance is really necessary. Laws requiring auto insurance have been passed nearly everywhere in the Unites States for good reason. Such laws protect people from financial difficulties caused by an accident with an uninsured driver. Of course, such accidents still happen. However, they have become much less common since laws requiring car insurance were passed.

Auto insurance laws

Auto insurance laws vary from state to state, and can be quite complex. However, you don’t have to figure them out all on your own. Your insurance agent, such as Runnels Insurance of Brandon, FL, can help you get a policy which follows all applicable regulations. Thankfully, there are some similarities between the car insurance laws of most states. For example, most states require liability coverage. Liability coverage ensures that you (or at least your insurance) are able to pay for any damages to property or injuries caused by an accident in which you are involved. Some states require that your insurance also include coverage for your own injuries. States that require this kind of coverage are often referred to as “no-fault” states. The failure to buy the appropriate auto insurance can result in fines, your car getting impounded, and even imprisonment.

Auto Insurance is required by lenders

Not only do state governments require auto insurance, all banks that do car loans require auto insurance as well. This is because their loan is essentially an investment, and they want insurance protecting that investment. While state governments require liability and sometimes personal injury protection insurance, banks require insurance that covers damages to the vehicle.

4 Ways To Improve Your Home Insurance In Brandon

When you live in Brandon, it is important that you take the time to explore your homeowner’s insurance policy. There may be various ways for you to make improvements on the policy. This can deliver greater peace of mind throughout the entire year. All it takes is working with the right insurance professional.

Compare Rates

Once a year, you should take the time to compare rates with different insurance companies. There may be a more affordable premium available to you. By getting quotes, you can explore coverage, company reputation, as well as annual premiums to determine whether you have the best policy in place.

Explore the Add-Ons

There are various forms of home insurance add-ons that you may be able to add to your current policy. This can provide you with additional protection in the event that something happens to your home. Such things include additional liability, higher valuation on your belongings, as well as flood insurance.

Learn About Common Claims

It’s important to know about some of the most common claims that occur in Florida. This way, you can ensure that you have the coverage in all areas. Otherwise, you could be in a situation where you file a claim and have denied because you didn’t have sufficient coverage against whatever took place in or around your home.

Work with an Agent

A lot can be said about working with an independent insurance agent. You can learn more about your options and how to get the coverage you need for your home when you work with an insurance professional. This way, you can eliminate the guesswork that you have been dealing with in the past.

Learn more about home insurance and the best way to protect your house and family by contacting an independent insurance agent at Runnels Insurance today.


Rainy Day Protections: Umbrella Coverage

When most people think about insurance, they usually think of car insurance and, if they own a house, homeowners. Some many think of life insurance as a possible option if their job offers it; however, not many people realize that there are additional insurance options beyond the state required minimums. When disaster strikes, it is a common occurrence that people who opted for the minimum insurance coverage possible can find themselves, their property, and their family in danger because of that lack of coverage. Furthermore, even people who opted for larger coverage can sometimes find themselves in that same dangerous situation because of insurance running out or a particular situation not being covered.

Umbrella insurance serves to provide that needed kind of overlapping coverage. Having an umbrella policy may provide coverage during situations that other policies may not cover and is specifically designed to kick in when those first policies have been exhausted. For example, an umbrella insurance policy may protect you against certain types of lawsuits or personal liability situations. Since insurance laws can vary from state to state, it is vital to speak with your local insurance agent to make sure that you are getting the coverage you need to feel safe and secure in case an emergency or life altering event occurs. 

Located in Brandon, FL, Runnels Insurance offers a variety of ways to explore your insurance options through face to face meetings with agents, phone calls, and email. Within minutes, you can have the information you need to make sure you have an umbrella for when those rainy days come. After all, no one wants to get caught in a bad situation without coverage. 

Home Insurance: Filing Small Claims Versus Filing a Big Claim Only

When people buy home insurance, it’s natural to think that they have bought rights to protection, one which they can rely upon when something goes wrong. After all, that’s what seems to be contracted for when one buys insurance coverage in the first place. However, home insurance needs to be viewed as catastrophic protection versus an everyday problem remedy. A lot of this perspective is due to how home insurance is sold in the first place.

Policies for a neighborhood and region are sold by an insurance provider because the company feels it has enough policies in its pool of customers to offset occasional payout risk. As long as the majority don’t file a claim, the concept works. However, when the number of claims starts to rise, the profit margin starts to disappear. Either those filing the claims now have to pay more for continued protection, or they need to be removed from the pool so that the rest are not impacted adversely. Alternatively, a company could raise rates on everyone, but that will likely drive customers away en masse to the competition, so most insurers don’t choose this path.

As a result, while a homeowner could file a claim for a small damage issue like a broken window or a drywall damage, it’s not a good idea. Each claim tags that homeowner as a rising risk for a coverage provider. Not only will the homeowner’s premium rise as a result come renewal, but the homeowner contracts gets flagged as a potential issue for the pool. On the other hand, a customer who uses the policy only for catastrophic events has a far better response because ultimately that’s what the policy was intended for. Full coverage is honored, and the homeowner has protection when needed.

To better understand how claims work, those in the Brandon, FL region can connect with Runnels Insurance for expert advice and guidance. Their agents understand the claim process in detail and how home insurance can be expected to work.

The Benefits Of Home Inventory

It is always a good idea to conduct home inventory on your home in Florida. This way, if you have to file a claim, you know exactly what is inside your home. Without an inventory, it could be problematic to prove what you have and get the money need to make replacements.

Know What You Have

You may not even realize just how much you have until you start creating inventory. You will want to go room by room to list what you have. It’s also a good idea if you photograph every item. This will help to reduce the likelihood of being denied something.

Determine Values

Go through and determine the value of everything within your home inventory. This is important for several reasons. First, it will make it easier for a claim to be filed if you know exactly what you possess. Second, it will ensure that you have enough coverage on your policy based upon the value of the items inside your home. For example, jewelry and art can be valued higher than you may think – and you want to have it dictated on your policy.

Simplify Claims

Filing a claim with your home insurance company can be long and tedious. The claim adjustor is going to want to know everything you had that was lost or damaged. If you cannot produce a thorough list of everything, it can make it harder to establish a value, and you could end up getting cheated out of money that is rightfully yours. When you have a home inventory, you can produce a list, complete with photos and values.

To learn more about home insurance and home inventories, contact Runnels Insurance today and speak to an agent. This will make it easier to enjoy peace of mind.


What Kind of Liability Coverage Do You Need for Home Insurance?

Liability coverage on a home insurance policy is used to protect you against damages associated with an accident occurring on your property. In many cases, liability insurance helps safeguard a homeowner against lawsuits resulting from an injury occurring within your home or damage to another’s personal property. Your level of coverage is accessed based on your budget and need.

Determining How Much Liability Insurance is “Enough”

Different carriers will offer several types of inclusions on liability insurance plans for homeowners. Most standard coverage will include payments toward medical bills if a visitor is injured in your home and the courts find you legally responsible for the accident. Legal fees may also be covered within the inclusions of liability insurance. Loss wages could also be reimbursed under a liability plan if the injured was out of work because of the accident. Liability insurance may help cover property damage caused by an accident, like the breaking of an expensive family heirloom. If a person dies within your home, dependent on the kind of policy you have, death benefits may be paid out under the plan.

An agent can talk to you about the minimum and maximum amounts of coverage provided through each plan. There is also typically an option to add an umbrella policy to offer additional protection beyond the maximum coverage amount. Exclusions are also important to review with an agent. For instance, a home insurance policy with liability coverage is not likely to protect the insured if an automobile caused damages.

Never get caught without having the proper amount of liability coverage to protect your home and valuables. Contact an independent insurance agent at Runnels Insurance for quotes and available policies for homeowners in Brandon, FL and surrounding areas.

Insuring your RV Home and Possessions

When making the jump to live in an RV full-time, it is important to make sure that the insurance policy you carry covers not only the RV itself, but also all your personal possessions and property.  An insurance policy for those living in an RV is very similar to a homeowner’s policy.  The two main types of coverage to consider when purchasing or renewing a policy are:

Property Coverage
When living in an RV full-time, all the possessions that you own are with you and for that sole reason, you want to make sure that all personal items are protected and covered should loss or damage occur.  When shopping for insurance, inquire about how much monetary coverage the policy provide and if it will cover the costs of your items.  Ask if all items such as jewelry, electronics, small furniture items, tools, etc. are covered.

In addition, many who live in an RV full-time may store possessions in a storage shed away from where the RV is..  If the possessions within are damaged or stolen, check to see if insurance can be bought to cover these items. 

Personal Liability
Just as you would with a homeowner’s policy, bodily injury and property damage needs to be purchased as part of a policy in case of an accident if someone falls or slips while in your RV or on the campground area of where your RV is parked.

Runnels Insurance, serving Brandon, understands the different types of insurance needed to protect your personal possessions and your RV.  Visit our website or call us at 813-653-0681 to talk to one of our team members about what type and how much insurance you need.  We offer various types of insurance to provide you with the best pricing possible.

Home Security and Safety Tips

Making your home safe and secure is fundamental to keeping your family protected from outside influences, such as intruders and heavy weather conditions. There are a few things you can do to limit your home from being disturbed or damaged.

Simple Upgrades to Prevent a Home Burglary

  • Lights – Shine lights on dark spots around your house. At night, take a walk around your property and investigate any areas that a thief could have access to. Add lighting to that area. Solar powered lights are good because they automatically come on when the sun goes down.
  • Cameras – Small cameras around your home will give you extra security. Place a camera over your front and back doors and any sliding doors you may have. Make sure every access point is covered.
  • Secure Sliders – Sliding glass doors are a thief’s dream. Even if they are latched, they are easier to open for an experienced intruder. Place a slide-locking bar on the bottom of the doorframe to prevent the door from moving.

Keep Your Home Safe During a Storm

  • Windows – In Florida, hurricanes are prevalent. Having storm windows could prevent violent winds from breaking glass and causing you or your family injuries.
  • Roof – Reinforce your roof with wind-resistant asphalt shingles.
  • Gutters – Repair loose or clogged gutters. They can cause physical damage to your home during and after a storm.
  • Loose Furniture – Lawn furniture and other unsecured debris should be tied down or brought inside before a storm. These items can become flying torpedoes in hurricane force winds.

Located in Brandon, Florida, the independent insurance agents at Runnels Insurance are available to assist you with information that will keep your home safe and secure. They can also provide research for your new or existing insurance policy.