Renters Insurance & Bad Roommates – 3 Tips

We’ve all heard horror stories about bad roommates who make the lives of those under the same roof an absolute nightmare. While it can definitely be unnerving to live with someone like this, it is important to understand where having a renters insurance policy fits into the situation. Here are three tips to consider.

Tip #1: Make Sure You Have Separate Policies

If you don’t exactly trust your roommate, having separate renters insurance policies is a must. This not only saves you the hassle of having to have both of your names on any claims reimbursement checks, it keeps you from having to remove them when your time together eventually comes to an end. Furthermore, having a separate policy means you are not subject to their liability risk. If they do something crazy that results in a claim, they are required to file against their policy and not yours.

Tip #2: Know That Intentional Acts Are Excluded

It is also important to remember that intentional acts of vandalism or theft are specifically excluded from most renters insurance policies. This means that if your nightmare of a roomie suddenly decides to destroy your belongings or take what isn’t theirs, the claim may not be covered. Ultimately, it is up to the insurance company whether to honor the claim or not—and many will not if these acts are done by somebody living under the same roof.

Tip #3: Take Extra Precautions with Valuables

While most companies do not pay for intentional acts, some do if you can show you did everything in your power to keep your roommate from accessing your belongings. This can be done by keeping valuables stowed away in an area where the other party has virtually no access or would have to go through tons of work to even gain access, such as a private safe or locked closet.

To learn more about renters insurance coverage, please contact us at Runnels Insurance today.


Don’t buy home insurance from a “stripper”

Since hurricane Andrew in 1991 and the multiple storms of 2004 and 2005, buying home insurance has been very costly for Floridians.  I can remember selling policies for less than $200 per year and it included unlimited replacement cost AND sinkhole coverage.  Those days of premium and coverage are long gone.

Several companies have come to Florida to satisfy the need for home insurance coverage, only to be taken over by the insurance department just a few years later.  It is frustrating for consumers who want quality coverage at a competitive price.  Many people have taken to the Internet to find such a policy; however, in today’s misperception of a lower price means a better policy, consumers have fallen prey to what I call the “insurance stripper”.

My definition of an insurance stripper is someone who removes valuable internal coverage just to sell a policy.  In my 25 years of being in the insurance business, never did I think I would use the words – “insurance and stripper” in the same sentence!

We used to see very minor rate differences between agencies, but now we are seeing hundreds of dollars even with the same company.  Many consumers don’t realize that coverage for coverage and company for company, the premiums should be identical from all agents.  Insurance rates are regulated and must be approved by Florida Financial Services (the insurance department).  When you see rates from the same company vary by $500 or more, it is likely you are getting a “stripped” policy.  Stripper agents will underinsure your home, remove replacement coverage from the contents, lower contents limits, remove detached structures coverage, and reduce liability coverage to $100,000.  To me, this is like someone buying a nice shiny car; it looks great inside and out, but when they go to start the car, it does not go anywhere because it does not have an engine!

Here is an example of what happens at claim time should you purchase a “stripped” policy that does not have replacement coverage on your contents.  Insured has a lighting strike and has damages to a TV, a computer, refrigerator, and the A/C compressor unit.  The cost to replace these items could easily be over $8000.  But if replacement cost coverage has been removed, you would receive the depreciated value, which could easily be less than $1750.  In a nutshell, it means that the insurance company is going to give you “garage sale” prices for your personal possessions.  Things get even worse when a home is underinsured!

When it comes to purchasing home insurance, do your research.  Call an agent that is recommended to you.  When you get a quote, ask lots of questions.  Compare the coverage.  And remember, it is just as important to know what is not covered, as it is to know what is covered.


Liability Coverage Protects You from Accidents You Cause

Liability coverage is an important component of renters insurance, although some policies don’t include it as standard coverage. Designed to protect you from accidents that you cause, it can protect you when you’re found responsible for a covered incident. If you don’t know whether your renters insurance policy includes liability coverage, contact us at Runnels Insurance. We’ll help you make sure you find the protection you need.

Liability Coverage Protects You from Yourself

Unlike insurance coverage that protects you against vandals and thieves, liability coverage doesn’t protect you from someone else. Instead, it protects you from yourself. When you’re held responsible, or liable, for a covered incident, your liability insurance will protect you. The specific scenarios liability coverage may provide protection or will depend on your renters insurance policy’s terms and conditions. Here are three examples that might qualify as a covered incident, depending on your policy:

  • a fire that you start and spreads throughout your apartment building
  • legal fees associated with an incident that took place in your apartment
  • damage you cause to someone’s property when you’re outside of your apartment

Our Insurance Agents Compare Liability Coverage Rates

At Runnels Insurance, we have independent insurance agents who can compare any renters insurance policy offered in Florida against others ones that are available. They’ll be happy to review your current policy’s liability coverage and rates. If there’s a renters insurance policy that provides more liability coverage for less money, they can help you switch.

To get in touch with one of our Florida-licensed independent insurance agents, call our office or, if you’d prefer, send us an email through our website. One of our agents will respond quickly and begin helping you find the best rates on renters insurance policies with liability coverage.


Car Life Extension Tips: 3 You Need To Know

It’s important that you get the life out of your car that you anticipate when you buy it. New or used, there are tips that can be used to ensure you can extend the life. Many of them are common sense, yet so many people forget about them.

Don’t Run the AC so Much

It can get very hot in Brandon, FL, especially during the summer time. However, running the AC too long is going to put extra strain on the engine because that is where the power is generated from. You can cut down on the heat by parking in the shade, using a windshield shade, and driving with the windows down.

Don’t Forget to Inflate

The temperature can change dramatically from season to season, and sometimes even day by day. This can cause tires to deflate quickly, and this means you have to make sure that you are inflating your tires on a regular basis. Check the PSI to what is recommended. More than a third of all drivers are driving with lower PSI than what they should – and it can make an impact on car life.

Stay Tuned

Your engine should be tuned on a regular basis, and this includes getting regular oil changes and having the oil filter replaced. If your engine is not tuned, it can increase fuel consumption, and cause an array of car problems down the road. Simple car maintenance can go a long way to make sure that your car lasts for many years to come.

Call us at Runnels Insurance today so we can search for quotes for you in Florida. Throughout the Brandon area, having auto insurance is imperative and we will work to find you an affordable policy to provide you with peace of mind.



How To Avoid Fraudulent Claims On Auto Insurance

Whenever you are driving in Florida, there is the possibility of getting into a car accident. It may or may not be your fault, but a claim needs to be filed with your auto insurance. There are various ways to ensure that you do not file a fraudulent claim.

First, it is important to know what kind of auto insurance policy you have. When you are in Brandon, FL, you need to have liability insurance, but there may be various other types of coverage that you can have as well, such as comprehensive.

Next, you don’t want to hesitate when calling to file a claim. Most insurance companies will allow you to file the claim online or over the phone. Have as many details as possible, including the names and phone numbers of witnesses, if there were any.

Be available when an insurance claims representative calls to ask additional questions. An insurance company is not going to simply pay out on a claim without doing some kind of investigation. They want to make sure that you are not committing insurance fraud.

Only specify what happened within the car accident that you are calling about. You cannot include additional damage from your car that occurred in previous accidents. Although you may not have filed a claim about those other damages, they cannot be filed within a new claim because that is fraudulent.

Take the time to ask questions about auto insurance, particularly when you are making a claim. Never include details about a past incident, and provide as many details as possible so that you don’t submit a fraudulent claim or have a claim denied.

Let us help with auto insurance in Brandon, FL. Call us at Runnels Insurance today for quotes and more information about a policy.



Home Coverage And Value Determines The Cost Of Insurance

Buying home insurance in Brandon, Florida can be very easy. However, the cost of insurance is going to vary based upon home coverage as well as value. More expensive homes are going to cost more to insure simply because there is a higher replacement rate.

Insurance companies look at what it is going to cost to pay out claims. When the claims are of a higher level, they have to charge a higher premium. This means that it is going to cost more to ensure a $200,000 home versus a $100,000 home. However, it is not going to be double the amount, so this can provide you with peace of mind as you begin shopping for homeowners insurance.

You will have the ability to adjust how much you pay based upon the level of coverage you want on your home. There are plenty of options to explore so that you can decide what kind of coverage you want on your home. You will have the ability to protect your home against fire and smoke damage, theft, floods, storm damage, and much more. Adding additional coverage can save you money by being able to file more claims as opposed to paying out-of-pocket.

By understanding more about your home value and the coverage you want on your home, you have the ability to impact the cost of insurance. Comparisons can be obtained from multiple insurance companies so that you can determine who is going to provide you with the highest level of coverage at the most affordable price.

At Runnels Insurance, we’re here to help with home insurance in Brandon, FL. Call today to get quotes and learn more. We will help you with every aspect to ensure that you get an affordable policy that works within your budget.



Boat Insurance: What Does a Typical Policy Really Cover?

Residents of the greater Tampa Bay area understand that it is easy to get lost in daydreams of spending long days out on the water. But before you plan your next big fishing or boating trip it is important to make sure you have the right level of boat/water insurance coverage. If you aren’t sure what your current policy covers it may be time to invest in a new one from your local, independent agents at Runnels Insurance.

What Does Boat/Watercraft Insurance Cover?

Boat/watercraft insurance is your first line of defense in the event of an accident. Even if your boat itself isn’t worth a lot financially, in the event of an accident you could be held accountable for bodily harm or damages to another boat. In fact, in the year 2013 boating accidents amassed over $39 million in property damages. In some cases, accidents can happen before your boat ever hits the water.

Don’t get caught without the right level of coverage when you need it the most. Instead, protect yourself, your loved ones and your assets with affordable and complete insurance coverage from Runnels Insurance. With the help of our independent agents you can compare quotes online from multiple national providers to find the right level of coverage to fit your needs and your budget. Our experienced agents are always available to help you through each step of the insurance buying process and an answer questions at any time.

Invest in Your Safety with Comprehensive Coverage

Give yourself peace of mind while you’re out in the water buy investing in total boat/watercraft insurance coverage. Visit Runnels Insurance online today to start comparing quotes from top national providers in just minutes and save on your next policy.


Common Coverage Provided by Condo Insurance

As you can imagine, insurance policies differ from one provider to the next, and most of them can be customized to meet your insurance needs. When it comes to condo insurance, you should be aware that there are two basic types of policies. Even more important is that you check with you homeowners association to determine the coverage provided through its master policy.  

Most of the time, there are basic types of coverage through the master policy, including on the following elements:

  • Walkways
  • Exterior of buildings, including the framing
  • Roads
  • Lawns
  • Swimming pools
  • Walking tracks
  • Tennis courts
  • Fitness centers

Because a master policy already provides coverage, your need for insurance is different than that of a person who owns a regular home. Being that the master policy covers most of the exterior, you need coverage for the inside of the condo, including on your personal belongings, light fixtures, hardware, etc.  

There are two basic types of condo insurance to invest in:

  • Bare walls-in
  • All-in

An all-in policy provides the most extensive type of coverage, but it tends to be more expensive than a bare walls-in policy.  If you are wanting coverage on your counter tops, fixtures, hardware, and other elements inside your condo, you’ll want to opt for an all-in policy. And don’t forget that regardless of the policy that you purchase, you’ll still have to pay a deductible when filing a claim. And just like with car insurance, the higher the deductible, the lower your monthly rates will be. For a lower deductible, you’ll be dishing out more money each month on your premiums.  

To learn more about condo insurance, contact a reputable insurance agent serving the Brandon, FL area today. 

Motorcycle Insurance Price vs. Insurance Options in Brandon FL

Motorcycle insurance price has gone up in Brandon, FL, 33511. The good news is that there are a number of options for insurance options which you can choose from through the help of Runnels Insurance. Our company offers online quotes that allow you to compare and contrast insurance companies as well as the insurance coverage that they have.

As a motorcycle owner in Brandon, FL, 33511, you want to make sure that your vehicle is completely covered by your insurance policy. However, you certainly do not want to pay for very expensive premiums, particularly if you are a smart driver and you take care of your vehicle well.

Before you make a purchase, ensure that you have checked the motorcycle insurance price that will cover all of your needs. A basic policy typically covers property damage, bodily injury, protection from personal injury and property damage, collision, and towing among others. If you have a luxury motorbike, the insurance policy may also cover your bike accessories.

There are other insurance options in Brandon, FL where you can find coverage for replacing or repairing your motorcycle in case it is stolen or it has collided with another vehicle. Motorcycle insurance is definitely helpful for motorcycle owners, but the motorcycle insurance price may not be too appealing for you. Thankfully, here at Runnels Insurance, our goal is to provide you with insurance options that you can afford.

You can find custom policies that will suit your budget. If you are looking for quotes on premium insurance, you can use our online tool, which will provide you with details, particularly with the motorcycle insurance price. Our professional agents will help you locate the best deal for you. Plus, we can give you tips on how to lower your premiums, so make sure that you contact us today to learn more.

Avoiding Burdensome Medical Bills with the Right Health Insurance

There is so much to do in Brandon, FL. From taking your kiddos to Dinosaur World or spending the day at the BOING! Jump Center, no matter the time of year, there's always a fun attraction to visit. And although you will likely be busy, it's important that you take time to make sure your family's financial future is secure.

When it comes to making sure your family is financially protected against burdensome medical bills, it is imperative that you purchase life insurance. In the event that you were to become deceased and leave behind medical bills, they could use the funds acquired through the life insurance policy to pay off the bills.

You never know when you'll get sick. And even a small case of the flu can turn into a terminal illness. It's because of this that you need to purchase life insurance today. In fact, the younger you are and the healthier, the less expensive your life insurance will cost.

Even if you've already hit your 35th birthday, don't let this deter you from buying a life insurance policy. In fact, no matter how old you are, you can rest assured that some type of affordable life insurance policy can be purchased.

There are many ways to go about buying an insurance policy, but it's imperative that you speak with one of our qualified representatives to make sure you end up with a policy that adequately covers your needs. A quick call to one of our insurance agents serving the 33511 area can have you on your way to making one of the best decisions you'll ever make.